These days, many households have two working parents. This means that childcare is often essential before children reach school age. Fortunately, there are many daycare facilities to choose from. However, you should put some real time and effort into researching the right daycares for your child. As you do, you may come across some facilities that bill themselves as Montessori daycares. And, if you find yourself scratching your head and wondering what this would mean for your child, don't worry. It's a wonderful thing, one that comes with many advantages for young children.

Basic Skill Development

When children go to standard daycare facilities, they may learn basic skills just from being in the daycare environment and around other children and adults. However, typically, most daycares do not purposefully focus on building skills children will need in preschool and beyond.

Montessori daycares, on the other hand, absolutely do focus on specific, important skills. It's all part of the Montessori philosophy. Expect your child to work on and improve in language development, motor skills development, and so much more.

Increased Independence

Something else unique about a Montessori daycare is its emphasis on choice and autonomy. With this, children will be allowed to take control of and guide their own learning experiences and activities. In fact, in a Montessori daycare, it is not at all uncommon to find special stations and learning-focused play areas set up around the room. Children are encouraged to explore them all but are usually allowed to choose what they do with their time.

This can greatly increase independence and confidence. In fact, you shouldn't be surprised if your young child starts acting less uncertain and more self-assured shortly after starting at a Montessori daycare.

Field Trips And Fun

Children don't tend to stay put for long in a Montessori daycare. These facilities usually offer field trips and excursions to help children explore and learn from the world around them. As such, you can expect regular, safe outings to museums, zoos, and more. If there are learning opportunities in or near your area, chances are that a Montessori daycare will offer opportunities for your child to engage with them.

Montessori daycares do more than just provide children with a snack, some toys, and a regular nap time. They teach children how to positively interact with the world around them. They also prepare them for a school environment. Thus, if you're considering sending your child to daycare, make sure you consider a Montessori daycare. It may just be the best thing you ever do for their development. 
